This cult classic evolves around a futuristic (Year 2157) cultist society of moviegoers, whom gather secretly to watch old, prohibited works; as it happens, generally anything from the old world is forbidden by 'Master Computer' and therefore enforced by the laws of the time. This gathering of toga-wearing movie enthusiasts, entwined in emphatic orgiastic embrace, soon settle to watch their latest slice of Hollywood, acquired by Liana, the film "The Three Virgins". Putting themselves at the risk of the Master Computer, in this slice of time capsule, are cult icons Michael Greer (Messiah of Evil, Fortune in Man's Eyes, Gay Deceivers) and Angelique Pettyjohn, (Star Trek, Heaven with a Gun, Mad Doctor of Blood Island). Never before on home video, now see this lost classic from a brand new HD master!
Starring Michael Greer, Angelique Pettyjohn
Special Features: Brand New 2017 HD scan of the original vault elements, Theatrical Trailer
Code Red // 1970 // 87 Minutes // Not Rated // Color // English // All Region